Learning the structure of RNA expression variation
Table of Contents
Characterizing the extent of RNA expression variation within cell types, cell states, donors, and experimental conditions is important to learn about evolutionary constraint on gene regulation, modulation of differentiation potential, and the mechanisms underlying cell fate decisions. However, actually estimating the level of expression variation from scRNA-seq data is difficult. Here, we review some of these difficulties. \( \DeclareMathOperator\Gam{Gamma} \DeclareMathOperator\N{\mathcal{N}} \DeclareMathOperator\Pois{Poisson} \DeclareMathOperator\V{V} \newcommand\mf{\mathbf{F}} \newcommand\mh{\mathbf{H}} \newcommand\mi{\mathbf{I}} \newcommand\ml{\mathbf{L}} \newcommand\vl{\mathbf{l}} \newcommand\vx{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand\vz{\mathbf{z}} \newcommand\vmu{\boldsymbol{\mu}} \newcommand\vphi{\boldsymbol{\phi}} \newcommand\vpi{\boldsymbol{\pi}} \)
import anndata import numpy as np import mpebpm.topics import scanpy as sc import scipy.stats as st import torch
%matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = set(['retina'])
import colorcet import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w' plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Nimbus Sans'
Main results
Pre-defined conditions/hard clustering
The simplest case to consider is analyzing scRNA-seq observations from a single gene in one condition. Then, one can fit an observation model (Sarkar and Stephens 2020)
\begin{align} x_i \mid s_i, \lambda_i &\sim \Pois(s_i \lambda_i), \qquad i = 1, \ldots, n\\ \lambda_i &\sim g = \Gam(\phi^{-1}, \mu^{-1}\phi^{-1}). \end{align}Under this model, it is clear that the variance of true gene expression levels is \(\V[g] = \mu^2\phi\). More generally, one could instead assume that \(g\) belongs to some other family, but still characterize expression variance as \(\V[g]\). There is some evidence that families more flexible than Gamma distributions may be required for a large fraction of genes in some data sets (Sarkar and Stephens 2020). One goal of this analysis is to potentially interpret gene expression variance relative to the mean as indicative of the underlying kinetic parameters of transcriptional bursting.
In the case where \(K\) conditions were pre-defined (e.g., donor) or are learned from the data by hard-clustering, one can readily generalize the above observation model to multiple genes and conditions (Sarkar et al. 2019)
\begin{align} x_{ij} \mid s_i, \lambda_{ij} &\sim \Pois(s_i \lambda_{ij}), \qquad i = 1, \ldots, n; j = 1, \ldots, p\\ \lambda_{ij} &= \mu_{ij} u_{ij}\\ \mu_{ij} &= \exp((\ml\mf')_{ij})\\ u_{ij} \mid \ml, \mh &\sim \Gam(\exp(-(\ml\mh')_{ij}), \exp(-(\ml\mh')_{ij})), \end{align}where \(\ml\) is an \(n \times K\) fixed, binary matrix corresponding to assignment of samples to conditions, \(\mf\) is a \(K \times p\) matrix of mean parameters, and \(\mh\) is a \(K \times p\) matrix of dispersion parameters. This observation model can be readily fit to massive data using stochastic gradient descent. Marginalizing,
\begin{equation} \lambda_{ij} \sim g_{ij}(\cdot) = \Gam(\exp(-(\ml\mh')_{ij}), \exp(-(\ml(\mf + \mh)')_{ij})), \end{equation}where \(g_{ij}\) is identical for observations from the same condition and gene. Therefore, the variance of gene expression can still be estimated as the distinct \(\V[g_{ij}]\). However, this approach has important limitations: (1) it requires pre-defining conditions, which may not be justified by the data (in the case of learning clusters), and (2) it treats every gene independently, and does not consider propagation of noise in gene regulatory networks (e.g., Thattai and van Oudenaarden 2001).
Generalizing to soft clustering
Considering the expression model
\begin{equation} \lambda_{ij} \mid \ml, \mf, \mh \sim \Gam(\exp(-(\ml\mh')_{ij}), \exp(-(\ml(\mf + \mh)')_{ij})), \end{equation}what happens when \(\ml\) is not binary? Suppose \(\ml\) is normalized so that its rows sum to 1; then, this model corresponds to a sort of “noisy topic model,” where topics are characterized by a collection of Gamma distributions for each gene, and cells are convex combinations of those topics. In some sense then, the topics in this model could be thought of as “noisy gene expression programs”. One can in principle fit this model by automatic differentiation and gradient descent, ensuring the sum constraint by re-parameterizing \(\vl_i = \operatorname{softmax}(\tilde{\vl}_i)\). One could also amortize inference by introducing an inference network mapping \(\vx_i\) to \(\vl_i\).
Remark. When \(\ml\) is binary, using the exponential inverse link function makes sense since we are selecting a single log mean parameter and a single log dispersion parameter for each observation. However, when \(\ml\) is instead normalized to have row sum 1, it is not clear that this model makes sense compared to a model with identity link, analogous to NMF/pLSI.
This approach addresses the issues that pre-defined conditions are not always available, and hard-clustering data may not be justified. However, it complicates the question of what precisely the variance of gene expression corresponds to in the model. If we think of samples as being mixtures of gene expression programs, then even the question of what “variance of gene expression” means is problematic, since it is no longer clear what subset of samples the variance is being computed over. Is the variance of each learned gene expression program instead the relevant quantity, regardless of which samples express it? Is this the correct way to think about asking the question when we don’t begin from the assumption that there were some number of distinct cell types present?
In this model, we can think of \(\vl_i\) as a latent variable, and the model above as a linear latent variable model. But now, expression variation has components \(\V[\vl_i]\) and \(\V[\lambda_{ij} \mid \vl_i]\). Which of these components corresponds to expression noise? What does it mean for \(\V[\lambda_{ij} \mid \vl_i] \neq 0\) when \(\vl_i\) is a latent variable for a single observation? When \(\vl_i\) is constrained to lie in the simplex, what does \(\V[\vl_i]\) even mean?
Remark. This model is a generalization of a simple model-based clustering method, in which hard clusters are defined by a collection of Gamma distributions
\begin{equation} \lambda_{ij} \mid \vpi_i, \vmu_k, \vphi_k \sim \sum_{k=1}^{K} \pi_{ik} \Gam(\phi_{kj}^{-1}, \phi_{kj}^{-1}\mu_{kj}^{-1}). \end{equation}It also generalizes other methods (scNBMF, LDVAE), which fit expression models of the form
\begin{align} \lambda_{ij} &= \mu_{ij} u_{ij}\\ \mu_{ij} &= \exp((\ml\mf')_{ij})\\ u_{ij} \mid \phi_j &\sim \Gam(\phi_j^{-1}, \phi_j^{-1}), \end{align}i.e., where \(p(u_{ij})\) is constant across conditions. It is also a related to DCA, which fits a similar expression model, but does not constrain \(\vl_i\) to be in the simplex and assumes a non-linear mapping from \(\vl_i\) to mean and dispersion parameters per cell per gene .
Generalizing to a non-linear latent variable model
Now consider the non-linear latent variable model
\begin{align} x_{ij} \mid s_i, \lambda_{ij} &\sim \Pois(s_i \lambda_{ij})\\ \lambda_{ij} &= (f(\vz_i))_j\\ \vz_i &\sim \N(0, \mi). \end{align}Here, \(f\) is a fully-connected neural network, and variability is pushed into the \(\vz_i\). In this model, expression noise is completely explained by \(\V[\vz_i \mid \vx_i]\). That is, variation in expression levels is completely explained by variation in a low-dimensional latent space. Is this a reasonable model? One thing that isn’t obvious is what exactly expression variance corresponds to in this model, since it is not clear which subset of samples the variance is being computed over. Naively, one could return to hard-clustering the \(\vz_i\), but it is not clear that this is an improvement over existing hard-clustering approaches.
Existing methods (scVI, totalVI) fit an even more complex expression model
\begin{align} \lambda_{ij} &= \mu_{ij} u_{ij}\\ \mu_{ij} &= (f(\vz_i))_j\\ u_{ij} &\sim \Gam(\phi_j^{-1}, \phi_j^{-1})\\ \vz_i &\sim \N(0, \mi). \end{align}In this model, expression noise depends both on variation in the latent space and extra variability. Does this make sense?