.. _openFOAM: single: OpenFOAM .. _mdoc_openfoam: ========= OpenFOAM_ ========= OpenFOAM is available through the module system via :command:`module load openfoam` This loads :file:`/software/openfoam-2.1-el6-x86_64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.x/etc/bashrc` This is a :file:`bashrc` file which adds environment variables Notable entries: .. code:: bash WM_PROJECT_DIR WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR FOAM_APPBIN FOAM_TUTORIALS FOAM_RUN If you use C-shell this will not work. There is an alternate C-shell file, to load this file enter :command:`source $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/cshrc` The recommended starting procedure to verify proper operation is 1. Load openfoam module :command:`module load openfoam` 2. Create personal OpenFOAM directory :command:`mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN` (creates $HOME/OpenFOAM) 3. Copy tutorials :command:`cp -ruv $FOAM_TUTORIALS $FOAM_RUN` 4. Test .. code:: bash cd $FOAM_RUN/tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity blockMesh icoFoam paraFoam .. note:: paraFoam is a graphical program and requires a windowing system. See the RCC FAQ at rcc.uchicago.edu for instructions. .. OpenFOAM_: http://www.openfoam.com/