.. index:: single: midway1; fftw2; 2.1.5+pgi-2012 single: module; midway1/fftw2/2.1.5+pgi-2012 .. _module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+pgi-2012: -------------------- fftw2/2.1.5+pgi-2012 -------------------- name Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW v2) version 2.1.5 compiled with :ref:`module_midway1_pgi_2012` description computation of discrete Fourier transform url http://www.fftw.org/fftw2_doc/ license opensource built 2012-06-26 tags :ref:`module_tag_numerical analysis` usage Use the module system to load this version of fftw2: ``module load midway1; module load fftw2/2.1.5+pgi-2012`` Midway has a number of modules for FFTW 2.1.5 compiled with different compilers and, in some cases, enabling MPI support. All modules are compiled with the ``--enable-type-prefix`` option, and include single and double versions, as well as support for OpenMP threading. See :ref:`mdoc_fftw2` for detailed documentation. The environment variable ``FFTW2_DIR`` is defined by this module to enable autodiscovery of the fftw library by many common software packages. .. seealso:: :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5` (default), :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+intel-12.1`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+intelmpi-4.0`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+intelmpi-4.0+intel-12.1`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+mvapich2-1.9`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+openmpi-1.6`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+openmpi-1.6+intel-12.1`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+openmpi-1.6+pgi-2012`, :ref:`module_midway1_fftw2_2.1.5+pgi-2012` All versions available for fftw2. :ref:`Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW v2) ` General documentation for fftw2 :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.