.. index:: single: midway2; hdf5; 1.8.17+intel-16.0 single: module; midway2/hdf5/1.8.17+intel-16.0 .. _module_midway2_hdf5_1.8.17+intel-16.0: ---------------------- hdf5/1.8.17+intel-16.0 ---------------------- name HDF5 version 1.8.17. compiled with :ref:`module_midway2_intel_16.0` description data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data license opensource built Mon Oct 10 13:06:17 CDT 2016 tags :ref:`module_tag_data`, :ref:`module_tag_database` usage Use the module system to load this version of hdf5: ``module load midway2; module load hdf5/1.8.17+intel-16.0`` This module defines the environment variable ``HDF_DIR`` that points to the software installation directory and can be used for automatic configuration of software that relies on the HDF library. .. seealso:: hdf5/1.10.0-patch1+intelmpi-5.1+intel-16.0, hdf5/1.8.16+intelmpi-5.1+intel-16.0, :ref:`module_midway2_hdf5_1.8.17` (default), :ref:`module_midway2_hdf5_1.8.17+intel-16.0` All versions available for hdf5. :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.