.. index:: single: midway1; mpi4py; 1.3+intelmpi-4.0 single: module; midway1/mpi4py/1.3+intelmpi-4.0 .. _module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3+intelmpi-4.0: ----------------------- mpi4py/1.3+intelmpi-4.0 ----------------------- name MPI for Python (mpi4py) version 1.3 compiled with :ref:`module_midway1_intelmpi_4.0` description Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard url https://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py license opensource built 2012-08-02 dependencies :ref:`module_midway1_python_2.7` tags :ref:`module_tag_high performance computing` usage Use the module system to load this version of mpi4py: ``module load midway1; module load mpi4py/1.3+intelmpi-4.0`` RCC provides a module for mpi4py for several combinations of python and MPI environment. A new version of mpi4py will be provided with each new python module, however it will generally be compiled against the default IntelMPI module. If you have a need for a python/MPI dependency combination that is not currently provided, please contact RCC support. .. seealso:: :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3+intelmpi-4.0` (default), :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3+python-2.7-2015q1`, :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3+python-2.7-2015q2`, :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3+python-3.4-2015q1`, :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3-2014q1+intelmpi-4.0`, :ref:`module_midway1_mpi4py_1.3-2014q3+intelmpi-4.0` All versions available for mpi4py. :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.