.. index:: single: midway1; sdpa-qd; 7.1.2+intel-12.1 single: module; midway1/sdpa-qd/7.1.2+intel-12.1 .. _module_midway1_sdpa-qd_7.1.2+intel-12.1: ------------------------ sdpa-qd/7.1.2+intel-12.1 ------------------------ name SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm Quad-Double (SDPA-QD) version 7.1.2 compiled with :ref:`module_midway1_intel_12.1` description semidefinite programming with pseudo quad-double precision arithmetic url http://sdpa.sourceforge.net/index.html license opensource built 2013-08-30 tags :ref:`module_tag_numerical analysis` usage Use the module system to load this version of sdpa-qd: ``module load midway1; module load sdpa-qd/7.1.2+intel-12.1`` .. seealso:: :ref:`module_midway1_sdpa-qd_7.1.2+intel-12.1` (default) All versions available for sdpa-qd. :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.