.. index:: single: midway2; trinity; 2.2 single: module; midway2/trinity/2.2 .. _module_midway2_trinity_2.2: ----------- trinity/2.2 ----------- name trinity version 2.2.0 description a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data url https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/wiki license opensource built Mon Oct 31 13:18:11 CDT 2016 dependencies :ref:`bowtie <_module_midway2_bowtie_1.1.2>`, :ref:`java <_module_midway2_java_1.8>` tags :ref:`module_tag_genetics`, :ref:`module_tag_genetics and genomics` usage Use the module system to load this version of trinity: ``module load midway2; module load trinity/2.2`` After loading the module, use the command 'Trinity' .. seealso:: :ref:`module_midway2_trinity_2.2` (default) All versions available for trinity. :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.