.. index:: single: midway2; valgrind; 3.12+gcc-6.2 single: module; midway2/valgrind/3.12+gcc-6.2 .. _module_midway2_valgrind_3.12+gcc-6.2: --------------------- valgrind/3.12+gcc-6.2 --------------------- name Valgrind version 3.12.0 compiled with :ref:`module_midway2_gcc_6.2` description Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use Valgrind to build new tools. url http://valgrind.org license opensource built Wed Oct 26 16:03:51 CDT 2016 dependencies :ref:`module_midway2_gcc_6.2` tags :ref:`module_tag_debugging`, :ref:`module_tag_development` usage Use the module system to load this version of valgrind: ``module load midway2; module load valgrind/3.12+gcc-6.2`` .. seealso:: :ref:`module_midway2_valgrind_3.12+gcc-6.2` (default) All versions available for valgrind. :ref:`Valgrind ` General documentation for valgrind :ref:`modules` Full list of software modules available on Midway. :ref:`modules_tutorial` A tutorial on Midway modules and how to use them.