Intel Xeon Phi Jobs

RCC’s Midway1 compute cluster contains two nodes with Intel Phi co-processor (also known as Xeon Phi Knights Corner) cards. Each Phi compute node contains dual 8-core intel Sandy Bridge processors, and two Intel Phi devices.

The Phi nodes are contained in the mic partition. To compile software that interacts with the Phi cards, you must use the Intel compilers available through these software modules on Midway1:


Here is a basic quickstart using interactive mode that will execute the samples provided with the intel compiler suite:

sinteractive -p mic --exclusive
module load intelmpi/5.0+intel-15.0
cp -r /software/intel/composer_xe_2015/Samples/en_US/C++/mic_samples/intro_sampleC ~/mictest
cd ~/mictest
make mic

It is also possible to submit jobs via sbatch to the mic partition. To do so, the --partition=mic option must be included in your submission script.

It should also be possible to compile and run OpenCL on the Phi cards without any additional configuration. Use this sample zip from Intel to verify that OpenCL is working

The Phi cards also mount the filesystem locally via NFS and it is possible to create an SSH connection into the cards from an interactive session on the node.