
Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It has a Scala, Java, and Python API and can be run either on either a single node or multi-node configuration. For both cases, it is recommended to have exclusive access of the node in Slurm.

Single Node Examples

Here is the SparkPi and examples from the Spark distribution running on a single node:

sbatch script spark-single-node.sbatch


#SBATCH --job-name=spark
# Exclusive mode is recommended for all spark jobs
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=10

module load spark

# This syntax tells spark to use all cpu cores on the node.
export MASTER="local[*]"

# This is a scala example
run-example SparkPi

# This is a python example. 
# For production jobs, you'll probably want to have a python module loaded.
# This will use the system python if you don't have a python module loaded.
spark-submit --master $MASTER $SPARK_HOME/examples/src/main/python/

Multi-node Examples

For multi-node Spark jobs, a helper script was written to launch the master and work tasks in the slurm allocation. Here are the same examples as above, but with Spark running on multiple nodes:

sbatch script spark-multi-node.sbatch


#SBATCH --job-name=spark-multi-node
# Exclusive mode is recommended for all spark jobs
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --time=10

module load spark

# This command starts the spark workers on the allocated nodes

# This syntax tells the spark workers where the master is
export MASTER=spark://$HOSTNAME:7077

# This is a scala example
run-example SparkPi

# This is a python example.
# For production jobs, you'll probably want to have a python module loaded.
# This will use the system python if you don't have a python module loaded.
spark-submit --master $MASTER $SPARK_HOME/examples/src/main/python/