Using software modules on Midway

Midway is a general-purpose computing system available to a large number of users in a variety of fields. To support these users, RCC provides a large number of libraries and applications that have been compiled and tuned for Midway. To maintain a consistent user environment, the RCC uses a modules system for configuring a user’s environment.

The module system is a script based system to manage loading and unloading software modules. Try running the commands below and review the output to learn more about the module system.

Basic module commands:

Command Description
module avail [name] lists modules matching [name] (all if ‘name’ empty)
module load [name] loads the named module
module unload [name] unloads the named module
module list lists the modules currently loaded for the user

Example - Matlab:

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) slurm/2.4       3) subversion/1.6  5) env/rcc         7) tree/1.6.0
 2) vim/7.3         4) emacs/23.4      6) git/1.7

module avail

-------------------------------- /software/modulefiles ---------------------------------
Minuit2/5.28(default)                               intelmpi/4.0
Minuit2/5.28+intel-12.1                             intelmpi/4.0+intel-12.1(default)
R/2.15(default)                                     jasper/1.900(default)
ifrit/3.4(default)                                  x264/stable(default)
intel/11.1                                          yasm/1.2(default)
------------------------- /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles -------------------------------
dot         module-cvs  module-info modules     null        use.own
----------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles -----------------------------------
env/rcc            samba/3.6          slurm/2.3          slurm/2.4(default)
--------------------------------------- Aliases ----------------------------------------

module avail matlab

matlab/2011b          matlab/2012a(default) matlab/2012b

module avail

which matlab
  <not found>

module load matlab

which matlab

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) slurm/2.4       3) subversion/1.6  5) env/rcc         7) tree/1.6.0
 2) vim/7.3         4) emacs/23.4      6) git/1.7         8) matlab/2012a

module unload matlab

which matlab
  <not found>

module load matlab/2011b

which matlab

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) slurm/2.4       3) subversion/1.6  5) env/rcc         7) tree/1.6.0
 2) vim/7.3         4) emacs/23.4      6) git/1.7         8) matlab/2011b